Moya Household

Can A Thermos Bottle Store Hot Water For A Long Time?

Due to the excellent heat preservation effect of thermos, many people often store hot water in thermos for a long time. So is this appropriate? Is water stored in thermos for more than one day or even longer suitable for drinking?MOYA, as a professional vacuum insulated water bottle manufacturer ,let us tell you the answer.

Thermos water should not be stored for more than 24 hours

Although thermos have excellent heat preservation effect, it is not recommended to drink hot water stored for a long time. On the one hand, as time goes by, bacteria in the water will gradually multiply, increasing the health risk of drinking; on the other hand, long-term high temperature environment may also cause some minerals in the water to precipitate, affecting the taste and nutritional value of the water. It is generally recommended that the water in the thermos should not be stored for more than 24 hours. At the same time, the storage process ensures the sealing of the bottle cap, and the hot water is stored at the beginning. The reason for doing this is to avoid the growth of bacteria in the bottle, which will cause harm to our health.

Therefore, in order to ensure the safety and health of drinking water, we should try to drink the hot water in the thermos before it cools down. If you really need to store hot water for a long time, you can choose to use a thermos with higher heat preservation performance and antibacterial function, and clean and disinfect the thermos regularly to reduce the possibility of bacterial growth.

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How to prolong the insulation time of a thermos bottle?

  1. Choose the right thermos
    First of all, choosing the right thermos is the basis for extending the temperature of hot water. High-quality thermos are usually designed with double-layer stainless steel or glass liner, and are filled with high-efficiency insulation materials in the middle, such as vacuum layer or high-density insulation cotton, which can effectively reduce heat loss. When choosing, we can pay attention to the insulation performance mark of the thermos and choose products with longer insulation time.
  2. Preheating the thermos
    It is a simple and effective trick to preheat the thermos before pouring hot water. You can pour a small amount of hot water into the thermos, shake it a few times and then pour it out, so that the temperature inside the thermos can rise, reduce the temperature difference with the subsequent hot water, and thus reduce heat loss.
  3. Fill with hot water and seal it
    When pouring hot water, try to fill the thermos as much as possible to reduce the space occupied by air. Because air is a poor conductor of heat, the more air there is, the faster the heat will be lost. At the same time, make sure that the lid of the thermos is tightly sealed to prevent heat from escaping through the gap.
  4. Avoid frequent opening
    Frequent opening of the thermos will destroy its internal insulation environment and cause heat to be lost quickly. Therefore, when you do not need hot water, you should try to reduce the number of times you open the thermos to keep its internal temperature stable.
Wholesale Insulated Water Bottles (6)

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